Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wren and Zayne

I can't believe how grown-up and busy and smart my beautiful kids are! They both are in OPEPO - a multi-aged, inquiry based classroom. Zayne is 8 in 3rd grade, Wren is in 4th grade and turns 10 next month. For the most part they get alone, but uggg, when they fight it gets on my nerves and makes me so frustrated!

Wren is my sweet boy, always telling me he loves me and giving me hugs and kisses and quick to tell me 'Sorry, mom,' when he makes a mistake or when I remind him to do something. He's the center on his football team, which daddy coaches. He has taken leadership roles in his class - as a clean-up monitor, and supervisor in his reading group. He of course loves to play video games with his friends and is an easygoing, laid-back guy.

Zayne is pretty sassy! She likes getting dressed up, is taking piano lessons, and is a great reader. I'm worried because we are already getting into head-butting contests. She definitely is not afraid to talk back and can be determined and headstrong! At the same time, she is so sweet with younger kids and she loves to line up her babies and stuffed animals on the couch or beside her in bed. I am reminded - she is 8 years old, still my little girl who asks to sleep with me every night.

I've been away the past few weekends and it makes me realize how much I love them, how much I miss them when I'm gone, and how lucky I am to be their mom!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Beautiful Girlfriends

Last night was 'Ladies' Night Out' in Port Townsend. Merchants had their shops open late and were catering to women with specials and promotions. I didn't go to any of the stores but I met up with several girlfriends for drinks and laughter and conversation at the Tapas bar, where they make a strong martini! Cynde and I were drinking the Key Lime Martini - they were yummy! We sure had a fun time out chatting and laughing and bonding.

It was nice to come home to a sweet husband and kids who were asleep. My batteries are re-charged.

Speaking of beautiful girlfriends - I'm catching an early early flight tomorrow morning - at 6:15 AM to meet up with Michelle in LA. We are driving to San Diego where she is presenting at an academic conference. Something to do with Berlin and travel and tourism and the Wall. She's so accomplished and smart - I'm so proud of her! I'll just be there 2 days - coming back Monday. I'm looking forward to this change to catch up with her, support her in all the great things she is doing, help her out getting to and while at the conference, and spending time in the warm California sun!

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

First Wives' Club

It's interesting isn't it - the ups and downs of marriages, of relationships? Relationships are cyclical, with good times and bad times. It seems lately many of my friends are expressing frustration and unhappiness about their current state of affairs. Notice the word current. We all know things don't stay the same - people make changes, situations can and do change.

I love having women friends who are open and sharing and caring and sincere and sympathetic. It feels good to share, to not feel judged, and to listen to others who are having difficulties. It makes me realize we're all in this together, we'll all doing the best we can. No one is perfect, no relationship is perfect. Still, it's hard to feel vulnerable and to share personal, intimate details. I like feeling safe enough with my girlfriends to be able to be so honest.

Also, each of us is different in how we deal with complaints or problems. It's helpful to me to hear about how others deal with 'stuff' or problems or issues.

So thank you girlfriends, for sharing and for being there for me!!

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Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Dang - that was hard!! I spent the night Friday night in Ellensburg, Washington, and took the test Saturday morning at Central Washington University. It felt strange to be alone in a hotel room in Ellensburg. I missed my family - or, I thought, why aren't I road-tripping with some friends?? I studied Friday night, mostly fretting about the 'logic problems.'

I thought - no worries, I'm smart, the LSAT for dummies test wasn't that hard to get through, everything made sense - but seriously, wow, in that timed environment with those daunting puzzles in front of me - it was hard! The reading comprehension and questions about principles and arguments weren't too hard.

I'll see my score in about a month. I'm figuring though for law school, if my LSAT score isn't that high, I'll have to rely on my 'diversity' as a student! I'm 34, have two kids, have owned my business for almost 10 years - won't I get accepted on those merits??

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jared!

My brother Jared turns 36 today! He's the oldest of 6 kids. My mom had him when she was 20, and she had Jeanie, the youngest, when she was 30. Imagine - 30 years old, with a newborn baby, a 4 year old (John), a 6 year old (Jack), twin 8 year old girls (guess who?), and a 10 year old!

It's weird to see your siblings get older and having most of us in our thirties . . .wow!

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Last week my mom wrote an e-mail to all the brothers and sisters telling us that Jeanie was 'missing,' that Christine had received a frantic phone call from Jeanie's boyfriend indicating that they had had a fight, now he couldn't find Jeanie. Calls to her cell phone went unanswered. The various siblings were talking to each other, trying to figure out what to do. My mom said everyone should 'pray' for Jeanie. I told her I thought that was the lazy way out - I preferred action over sitting back, doing nothing, and hoping for the best - putting one's fate into the imaginary hands of some fairy-tale character.

Christine did what she could, being the closest to Jeanie - but what happened was Jeanie had checked into a hotel to 'think about things.' However it seemed like she was doing something much more drastic to her boyfriend, Chris.

I've been in contact with Jeanie and it's good to talk to her. We had a pretty dysfunctional childhood and it's interesting to see the ways that everyone has figured out how to cope. I'm glad Jeanie is ok and I know I have to be in better touch with her - to be there for her as she's in counseling and dealing with her 'stuff.'

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'm leaving to meet J. tomorrow morning in Seattle. He has been there this past week at a business conference. Wren & Zayne are spending Thursday night at Indianola with their OPEPO class. So, early morning I'm dropping Wren & Zayne off at school, then heading to Seattle in J.'s hotel room where I'm going to study study study for my LSAT. I'm taking it Saturday in Ellensburg, which is actually several hours from Seattle. I signed up late, so the tests in Seattle and Tacoma were full. So, I'll spend Thursday night in Seattle with J., then Friday night in Ellensburg before I take the test on Saturday.

If anyone knows me they know I've always and consistently said "I want to go to law school, I want to be a lawyer!" Well, here goes, it's my start! I have my LSAT for Dummies and it's going to take me all the way!

Hmmmm . . ..I can go to Denver University Law School in Colorado, Brooklyn Law? UW? We'll see! Wish me luck . . . . . .


On Saturday September 8th, Karle Coppenrath hosted a wonderful birthday get away at her family's Mats Mats cabin. She thought of the idea, planned, arranged, and hosted the whole shin-dig. If you don't know Karle, she is sweet, beautiful, thoughtful, poised, and gracious. I felt so lucky for her to offer to do this for me. Then I sat back as she invited everyone, gave them all the details and executed the best potluck, most wonderful girl-time, naked hot tubbing, roasting marshmallows, dancing, etc. etc.

It felt awesome to be surrounded by womb-town - accomplished, marvelous, fantastic women supporting each other and enjoying each other so much. The whole day and night radiated love and kindness and goodness and sharing and commiserating about this thing called our lives!

It was just a wonderful moment in time. A day and night to remember with my great girlfriends! I'm 34 years old . . . .what does the next year hold??


Thursday, September 06, 2007

My Realtor came to the house today. Sort of weird because I have a buyer, but she has to wait for her house to sell first. If it could be a straight transaction - me to buyer, but alas it's hard to make choices and decisions when so much is contingent on other things! List of items I'm doing to move forward: LSAT on September 29th, getting an appraisal on the house, getting Joe to paint the house neutral colors. List the house after painting but mostly hope my buyer's house sells! Reading relationship book(s)!!